The Cluster F Theory Podcast
The Cluster F Theory Podcast
19. Immediacy - Anna Kornbluh

19. Immediacy - Anna Kornbluh

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Anna Kornbluh is a professor of English at the University of Illinois, Chicago, where she founded InterCcECT, the Inter Chicago Circle for Experimental Critical Theory. Her research and teaching interests center on the novel, film and cultural aesthetics in theoretical perspective, including formalist, Marxist and psychoanalytic approaches. She is the author of Immediacy or The Style of Too Late Capitalism; The Order of Forms, Realism, Formalism, and Social Space; Marxist Film Theory and Fight Club; and Realizing Capital, Financial and Psychic Economies in Victorian Form. Her essays have appeared in various publication such as the Los Angeles Review of Books, Diacritics, Public Books and Differences. Anna is also an active community organizer. She's a co-founder of Humanities Works, an initiative to debunk myths about the dire prospects of Humanities graduates, and is an active member of the UIC United Faculty bargaining team.

Anna Kornbluh:

Anna Kornblum's faculty page:


Humanities Works:

UIC Faculty:


The Cluster F Theory Podcast is edited by Julian Mayers at Yada Yada.

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The Cluster F Theory Podcast
The Cluster F Theory Podcast
To many of us the world, our very planet, appears to be coming apart. How can we put it back together again (and should we)? What do we salvage and what do we throw away? What goes where and why?
Each episode we speak to a philosopher, critical theorist, scientist, artist, writer or thinker about their take on the absolute 'cluster f' that’s happening around us. We don't promise to make you happier, more mindful or fitter, but you will spend some time thinking about something other than yourself.